Tales from Here and There

I write because life is of such magnificence, it must be told with magnific stories.

We are Being Ruled by Idiots

Photo by Art Guzman on Pexels.com

Humankind has reached a level of stupidity never seen before (well, almost never). One side spent tens of billions sending missiles that the other side brought down like flies, costing billions. The makers of said missiles are laughing all the way to the bank, making billions, replacing all the missiles downed, and selling them to both sides. Now, both sides are pissed because they’re half-ass broke with such expenditures. As that happens, the people below (us) must pay for all the war games these idiots play by getting charged for all of it, causing billions in inflation.

Worse part is, before you know it, they’ll do the whole thing all over again, wasting even more billions, which you and I will have to pay.

Can’t make this up. 🤦


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