Tales from Here and There

I write because life is of such magnificence, it must be told with magnific stories.

American stories

Location, location, location…

Moving to a new place has its pros and cons. The older you get, the more your tired bones refuse to do it. But the mind gets excited with all the new elements that perhaps weren’t there before.

My new place lacks the populous wildlife I was used to over at the old one.
It’s colder and bland because of it. Always happens when there are no trees around. Just scrubs and sticks planted recently by the city that eventually will grow into something, who knows.

A strictly residential area, they cut everything down to build expensive houses where every inch is for real estate purposes.
They forgot the fact that greenery is essential.
Following the wisdom of the serenity prayer, I decided to take matters into my own hands.
Firstly, I planted some trees myself in my own bare backyard. Then I prayed the ground is fertile enough to grow them and finally, called the birds for lunch or supper by the distribution of seeds.
Patience was never my forte but you can’t hurry nature. You’ll be blue in the face before she abides.

Three months have passed and some magic occurred: what were supposed to be trees, are strange looking scrubs that go every which way you can think of, but they put a smile on my face in the mornings since they’re so funny to look at. And birds turned out like a bird magnet was there.  The first customers were doves. It’s great to see how they interact with each other, chasing to play or to mate right after dinner. It didn’t take long for the chickadees, the groove-billed Ani, Chachalaca and Pauraques to follow suit and today was the first time a Cardinal showed up, all by his or her lonesome, majestic in its brilliance. My soul rejoiced at its sight. I’m hoping if it’s a her, she’ll bring her offsprings and friends.
Lately, I’ve been having the pleasure of sporadic visits by a baby rabbit.

I’m getting used to my new place and it’s a very reassuring feeling.
